Short Bio
I am a PhD student at Orange Labs and INSA Lyon in the team IMAGINE (LIRIS). My PhD thesis is directed by Christophe GARCIA (LIRIS) and co-supervised by Stefan DUFFNER (LIRIS), Grégoire LEFEBVRE (Orange Labs), and Samuel BERLEMONT (Orange Labs).
My PhD is entitled “robust unsupervised anomaly detection, applied to network traffic monitoring”. It focuses on detecting anomalous behaviors of smart home IoT devices using Deep Learning algorithms (Artificial Neural Networks).
My CV is here
Research Topics
Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, Robust Training, Extreme Value Theory, Data Processing, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Home and Device Management.
Contact Information
- Email:
- Phone: +33 6 98 28 43 44
- Mail: Orange Innovation, 22 Chemin du Vieux Chêne, 38240 Meylan.